Misconception: Islam and The Quran teaches that the flood of Noah was global
This version of the story can be found in The Bible [see Genesis 6:13, 6:17, 7:19-21, 8:9, 9:16, 2 Peter 3:5-7). It should be noted however that the Hebrew word for land/earth/country is one word, meaning the context will determine which is meant.
The story told in The Quran is a little different. Firstly it states the flood only affected the people of Noah [e.g. 25:37]. Secondly, the Arabic word used in The Quran for the story of Noah is "ard" which can mean ground/land/earth and the context will determine which is meant - some examples of its usage are shown below wherein a localised land is meant:
12:9 "
Other examples where "ard" does not mean the planet earth [2:71, 5:31, 9:38, 21:44, 33:27].
Thus, based on the evidence it is unlikely to refer to a global flood, or at least there is no conclusive evidence from The Quran suggesting it was.
The story told in The Quran is a little different. Firstly it states the flood only affected the people of Noah [e.g. 25:37]. Secondly, the Arabic word used in The Quran for the story of Noah is "ard" which can mean ground/land/earth and the context will determine which is meant - some examples of its usage are shown below wherein a localised land is meant:
...he wants to drive you out from your land...
We let the people who were oppressed inherit the east and the west of the land which We have blessed...
12:9 "
Kill Joseph or cast him to a land...
...I will not leave the land until my father permits me...
...We will expel you from our land...
He said: "Have you come to us to take us out of our land...
Other examples where "ard" does not mean the planet earth [2:71, 5:31, 9:38, 21:44, 33:27].
Thus, based on the evidence it is unlikely to refer to a global flood, or at least there is no conclusive evidence from The Quran suggesting it was.
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