Common Misconceptions About Islam, Muslims and The Quran
Islam, Muslims and The Quran have become a subject of major concern to the world media, religious groups and people, especially after the events of September 11th 2001 in the USA. Many articles and books have been written about a religion followed by over one billion people worldwide, some of which saw in Islam a separate civilization that will inevitably clash with the current dominant western civilization, but some were more optimistic, showing interest in a constructive debate, seeking understanding. However, many of these writings continued to perpetuate misinformation and repeat the same common misconceptions, thus giving a distorted picture of what islam is about, and what The Quran actually says.
For those interested in sincerely seeking the truth, we have prepared an easy to read and verify list using the book that Muslims regard as a divine guidance and final revelation to humanity: The Quran (sometimes referred to as 'The Koran'). We chose this approach because it is the only undisputed source amongst muslims and it is important for the reader to be able to research and verify what is written and The Quran is widely available in many countries and in many different languages. Unfortunately, there is often a difference between what Muslims believe/practice and what The Quran actually says.
To read the response to the most common misconceptions, simply click on the misconception in the list shown below. If a number reference is given, e.g. 17:36, this refers to Chapter 17, Verse 36 of The Quran, which can be looked up here for example.
The list of misconceptions
- Death for Apostasy
- Stoning to death allowed (e.g. for adultery)
- Must be "Muslim" or you will go to Hell
- No freedom of religion
- Women confined to houses
- Statues/images forbidden
- Music and singing forbidden
- A man and woman cannot be alone together
- Religion and science/reason/knowledge are not compatible
- Alcohol is forbidden in all forms
- Islam and The Quran promotes a 'clash of civilisations'
- Islam promotes honour killings of women/men
- Allah is the God for Muslims
- Forced marriage is allowed in Islam
- Muslims reject Jesus
- Muhammad was the founder of Islam
- All Muslims are Arabs
- Islam was spread by the sword
- Islam and The Quran promotes fighting, war and terrorism
- Two female witnesses are equivalent to one male witness
- Women receive less than men in issues of inheritance
- Males/Females are required to be circumcised
- Martyrs will receive 72 virgins in paradise
- Woman/Eve created from the rib of Man/adam
- Islam and The Quran promotes suicide bombing
- Muslim men have to grow a beard
- Gold and silver are banned for Muslims
- Islam and The Quran promotes 'jihad' or 'holy war'
- Islam and The Quran promotes slavery
- In Islam homosexuals must be put to death
- Polygamy - Muslim men can have as many wives as they wish
- Adoption is not allowed in Islam
- Dogs are not allowed to be kept by Muslims
- Muslim women must fully cover up in Islam
- A Muslim husband can divorce his wife immediately
- Islam promotes racism
- Islam and The Quran orders hands to be cut off for theft
- All Muslims are the same and hold the same views
- Men are allowed to have concubines or sex slaves
- Prophet Muhammad married a 9 year old girl
- Islam is a religion
- Democracy is not compatible with islam
- Wife beating is allowed in The Quran
- No freedom of speech in Islam
- Muhammad was more than just a human
- The Quran rejects evolution
- The Quran reject previous scriptures (e.g. The Bible)
- Halal meat uses an inhumane slaughter method
- Islam and The Quran teaches that the flood of Noah was global
- The Quran says the Earth was created in 6 days